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How To Create A Farmer In Little Alchemy

How to Create a Farmer in Little Alchemy


Little Alchemy is a popular mobile game where players can combine different elements to create new ones. One of the characters you can create is a farmer. This guide will walk you through the steps on how to make a farmer in Little Alchemy.

Creating a Farmer

There are three different ways to make a farmer in Little Alchemy. The first way is to combine the elements of earth and life. The second way is to combine the elements of plant and human. The third way is to combine the elements of air, earth, and water. Once you have combined the correct elements, you will see a farmer appear on the screen. You can then click on the farmer to add him to your inventory.

Using the Farmer

The farmer can be used to create a variety of different items. Some of the items that you can create with a farmer include: * **Wheat** * **Bread** * **Cow** * **Milk** * **Cheese** You can also use the farmer to create other characters, such as a baker or a shepherd.


The farmer is a useful character that can be used to create a variety of different items in Little Alchemy. By following the steps in this guide, you can easily create a farmer and start using him to create new items.
